Game Development Reference
In-Depth Information
Creating a Simple Armature
Now that you understand rigging a little better, you are ready to begin building the arma-
ture for your zombie.
Beginning the Armature
Like human bodies, armatures have a central spine from which the other bones extend.
You will begin your armature by creating a similar structure.
1. Open Blender if you have not already done so. Open your own zombie model from
Chapter 6, or open the file Ch07_Zombie_ReadyForRigging.blend in the Chapter 7 folder
at this topic's web page, .
2. If you are working with your own file, arrange the screen like the one shown in
Figure 7.10.
Figure 7.10
Setting up a work-
space for rigging
Figure 7.11
Adding a new bone
3. RMB-click to select the zombie model.
Press Shift+S to bring up the Snap menu.
Select Cursor To Selected to center the
3D cursor at the center of the zombie
model. LMB-click to place the 3D cur-
sor near the model's groin as close to the
zombie's central axis as possible. Open
the Snap menu again and select Cursor
To Grid to ensure the cursor is nicely
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