Game Development Reference
In-Depth Information
Figure 6.22
In this image, the
forms of buildings,
ships, and the land-
scape were isolated
with lasso tools.
Figure 6.23
ArtRage has a ruler
that can be posi-
tioned, rotated, and
traced on to create
precision lines.
These are but a few of the elements that make a great digital painting. Try these and find
your own best practices to create the color maps on your zombie and its eyes. Remember to
follow the topology of the meshes and you will create great-looking color maps.
Once you are done painting, save your work. Look at ProfessorZombieColor.tif
(Figure 6.24) and EyeColor.tif (Figure 6.25) in the Chapter 6 resources for examples of
zombie color maps.
In the next section, you will apply your color map to your zombie.
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