Game Development Reference
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Finishing the Facial Features
Now that you have a mask-like structure for the face, you will need to finish off those eye
and mouth voids.
1. Make sure that Clipping is reactivated on the Mirror modifier. Select the edge loop
around the mouth and extrude it without moving it. Scale this new edge loop down
so it fits inside the mouth area.
2. Adjust any vertices so they create a natural mouth shape; then repeat the steps of
extruding, scaling, and adjusting twice more until you have a result like the one
shown in Figure 3.45.
Figure 3.45
Extruding and shap-
ing the lips
3. Now turn your attention upward to the eyes. Extrude the eye edge loop and scale it
down slightly. Move it forward to create a simple eyelid shape.
4. Now extrude inward and scale downward to create the inner part of the eyelid.
Create an eye socket with one more extrusion toward the interior of the face. The
completed extrusions are shown in Figure 3.46.
5. To finish shaping the face geometry, it helps to see how the mesh will it around an
eyeball object. As of right now, these objects do not need to be part of the face mesh,
so go into object mode and press Shift+A to add a 12-sided UV sphere along the face's
central axis.
6. Rotate the eye 90 degrees along the x-axis so that the bottom vertex of the eye is fac-
ing forward. The edge loop around this structure will nicely stand for the eye's pupil
and iris.
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