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Example 3-4. A main program that uses the accessor method to get the output of the
import javax.xml.bind.* ; // for DatatypeConverter
public class ReturnDigestUserInterface {
public static void main ( String [] args ) {
for ( String filename : args ) {
// Calculate the digest
ReturnDigest dr = new ReturnDigest ( filename );
dr . start ();
// Now print the result
StringBuilder result = new StringBuilder ( filename );
result . append ( ": " );
byte [] digest = dr . getDigest ();
result . append ( DatatypeConverter . printHexBinary ( digest ));
System . out . println ( result );
The ReturnDigest class stores the result of the calculation in the private field digest ,
which is accessed via getDigest() . The main() method in ReturnDigestUserInter
face loops through a list of files from the command line. It starts a new ReturnDi
gest thread for each file and then tries to retrieve the result using getDigest() . How‐
ever, when you run this program, the result may not be what you expect:
D:\JAVA\JNP4\examples\03> java ReturnDigestUserInterface *.java
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NullPointerException
at javax.xml.bind.DatatypeConverterImpl.printHexBinary
at javax.xml.bind.DatatypeConverter.printHexBinary(
at ReturnDigestUserInterface.main(
The problem is that the main program gets the digest and uses it before the thread has
had a chance to initialize it. Although this flow of control would work in a single-
threaded program in which dr.start() simply invoked the run() method in the same
thread, that's not what happens here. The calculations that dr.start() kicks off may or
may not finish before the main() method reaches the call to dr.getDigest() . If they
haven't finished, dr.getDigest() returns null , and the first attempt to access digest
throws a NullPointerException .
Race Conditions
One possibility is to move the call to dr.getDigest() later in the main() method, like
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