Java Reference
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this . filename = filename ;
public void run () {
try {
FileInputStream in = new FileInputStream ( filename );
MessageDigest sha = MessageDigest . getInstance ( "SHA-256" );
DigestInputStream din = new DigestInputStream ( in , sha );
while ( din . read () != - 1 ) ;
din . close ();
byte [] digest = sha . digest ();
StringBuilder result = new StringBuilder ( filename );
result . append ( ": " );
result . append ( DatatypeConverter . printHexBinary ( digest ));
System . out . println ( result );
} catch ( IOException ex ) {
System . err . println ( ex );
} catch ( NoSuchAlgorithmException ex ) {
System . err . println ( ex );
public static void main ( String [] args ) {
for ( String filename : args ) {
DigestRunnable dr = new DigestRunnable ( filename );
Thread t = new Thread ( dr );
t . start ();
There's no strong reason to prefer implementing Runnable to extending Thread or vice
versa in the general case. In a few special cases, such as Example 3-14 later in this chapter,
it may be useful to invoke some instance methods of the Thread class from within the
constructor for each Thread object. This requires using a subclass. In other specific
cases, it may be necessary to place the run() method in a class that extends another
class, such as HTTPServlet , in which case the Runnable interface is essential. Finally,
some object-oriented purists argue that the task that a thread undertakes is not really a
kind of Thread , and therefore should be placed in a separate class or interface such as
Runnable rather than in a subclass of Thread . I half agree with them, although I don't
think the argument is as strong as it's sometimes made out to be. Consequently, I'll
mostly use the Runnable interface in this topic, but you should feel free to do whatever
seems most convenient.
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