Java Reference
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available() methods as . In some cases, such as BufferedIn
putStream and BufferedOutputStream , these may be the only methods the filter has.
The filtering is purely internal and does not expose any new public interface. However,
in most cases, the filter stream adds public methods with additional purposes. Some‐
times these are intended to be used in addition to the usual read() and write() meth‐
ods, like the unread() method of PushbackInputStream . At other times, they almost
completely replace the original interface. For example, it's relatively rare to use the
write() method of PrintStream instead of one of its print() and println() methods.
Chaining Filters Together
Filters are connected to streams by their constructors. For example, the following code
fragment buffers input from the file data.txt . First, a FileInputStream object fin is
created by passing the name of the file as an argument to the FileInputStream con‐
structor. Then, a BufferedInputStream object bin is created by passing fin as an ar‐
gument to the BufferedInputStream constructor:
FileInputStream fin = new FileInputStream ( "data.txt" );
BufferedInputStream bin = new BufferedInputStream ( fin );
From this point forward, it's possible to use the read() methods of both fin and bin to
read data from the file data.txt . However, intermixing calls to different streams con‐
nected to the same source may violate several implicit contracts of the filter streams.
Most of the time, you should only use the last filter in the chain to do the actual reading
or writing. One way to write your code so that it's at least harder to introduce this sort
of bug is to deliberately overwrite the reference to the underlying input stream. For
InputStream in = new FileInputStream ( "data.txt" );
in = new BufferedInputStream ( in );
After these two lines execute, there's no longer any way to access the underlying file
input stream, so you can't accidentally read from it and corrupt the buffer. This example
works because it's not necessary to distinguish between the methods of InputStream
and those of BufferedInputStream given that BufferedInputStream is simply used
polymorphically as an instance of InputStream . In cases where it is necessary to use the
additional methods of the filter stream not declared in the superclass, you may be able
to construct one stream directly inside another. For example:
DataOutputStream dout = new DataOutputStream ( new BufferedOutputStream (
new FileOutputStream ( "data.txt" )));
Although these statements can get a little long, it's easy to split the statement across
several lines, like this:
DataOutputStream dout = new DataOutputStream (
new BufferedOutputStream (
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