Java Reference
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Mode() method returns true if packets are not looped back and false if they are. (This
feels backward to me. I suspect this method was written by a programmer following the
ill-advised convention that defaults should always be true.)
If the system is looping packets back and you don't want it to, you'll need to recognize
the packets somehow and discard them. If the system is not looping the packets back
and you do want it to, store copies of the packets you send and inject them into your
internal data structures manually at the same time you send them. You can ask for the
behavior you want with setLoopback() , but you can't count on it.
Network interfaces
On a multihomed host, the setInterface() and setNetworkInterface() methods
choose the network interface used for multicast sending and receiving:
public void setInterface ( InetAddress address ) throws SocketException
public InetAddress getInterface () throws SocketException
public void setNetworkInterface ( NetworkInterface interface ) throws
public NetworkInterface getNetworkInterface () throws SocketException
The setter methods throw a SocketException if the argument is not the address of a
network interface on the local machine. It is unclear why the network interface is im‐
mutably set in the constructor for unicast Socket and DatagramSocket objects but is
variable and set with a separate method for MulticastSocket objects. To be safe, set the
interface immediately after constructing a MulticastSocket and don't change it there‐
after. Here's how you might use setInterface() :
try {
InetAddress ia = InetAddress . getByName ( "" );
MulticastSocket ms = new MulticastSocket ( 2048 );
ms . setInterface ( ia );
// send and receive data...
} catch ( UnknownHostException ue ) {
System . err . println ( ue );
} catch ( SocketException se ) {
System . err . println ( se );
The setNetworkInterface() method serves the same purpose as the setInter
face() method; that is, it chooses the network interface used for multicast sending and
receiving. However, it does so based on the local name of a network interface such as
“eth0” (as encapsulated in a NetworkInterface object) rather than on the IP address
bound to that network interface (as encapsulated in an InetAddress object). setNet
workInterface() throws a SocketException if the NetworkInterface passed as an
argument is not a network interface on the local machine.
The getNetworkInterface() method returns a NetworkInterface object representing
the network interface on which this MulticastSocket is listening for data. If no network
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