Java Reference
In-Depth Information
Connecting to a remote server a couple of miles and seven hops away (according to
traceroute), I saw between 90% and 98% of the packets make the round trip.
Just as with regular datagram sockets, a channel should be closed when you're done with
it to free up the port and any other resources it may be using:
public void close () throws IOException
Closing an already closed channel has no effect. Attempting to write data to or read data
from a closed channel throws an exception. If you're uncertain whether a channel has
been closed, check with isOpen() :
public boolean isOpen ()
This returns false if the channel is closed, true if it's open.
Like all channels, in Java 7 DatagramChannel implements AutoCloseable so you can
use it in try-with-resources statements. Prior to Java 7, close it in a finally block if you
can. By now the pattern should be quite familiar. In Java 6 and earlier:
DatagramChannel channel = null ;
try {
channel = DatagramChannel . open ();
// Use the channel...
} catch ( IOException ex ) {
// handle exceptions...
} finally {
if ( channel != null ) {
try {
channel . close ();
} catch ( IOException ex ) {
// ignore
and in Java 7 and later:
try ( DatagramChannel channel = DatagramChannel . open ()) {
// Use the channel...
} catch ( IOException ex ) {
// handle exceptions...
Socket Options // Java 7
In Java 7 and later, DatagramChannel supports eight socket options listed in Table 12-1 .
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