Java Reference
In-Depth Information
} catch ( SocketException ex ) {
System . err . println ( ex );
} catch ( IOException ex ) {
System . err . println ( "Unexpected IOException: " + ex );
The getSoTimeout() method returns the current value of this DatagramSocket object's
SO_TIMEOUT field. For example:
public void printSoTimeout ( DatagramSocket ds ) {
int timeout = ds . getSoTimeOut ();
if ( timeout > 0 ) {
System . out . println ( ds + " will time out after "
+ timeout + "milliseconds." );
} else if ( timeout == 0 ) {
System . out . println ( ds + " will never time out." );
} else {
System . out . println ( "Something is seriously wrong with " + ds );
The SO_RCVBUF option of DatagramSocket is closely related to the SO_RCVBUF
option of Socket . It determines the size of the buffer used for network I/O. Larger buffers
tend to improve performance for reasonably fast (say, Ethernet-speed) connections be‐
cause they can store more incoming datagrams before overflowing. Sufficiently large
receive buffers are even more important for UDP than for TCP, because a UDP datagram
that arrives when the buffer is full will be lost, whereas a TCP datagram that arrives at
a full buffer will eventually be retransmitted. Furthermore, SO_RCVBUF sets the max‐
imum size of datagram packets that can be received by the application. Packets that
won't fit in the receive buffer are silently discarded.
DatagramSocket has methods to set and get the suggested receive buffer size used for
network input:
public void setReceiveBufferSize ( int size ) throws SocketException
public int getReceiveBufferSize () throws SocketException
The setReceiveBufferSize() method suggests a number of bytes to use for buffering
input from this socket. However, the underlying implementation is free to ignore this
suggestion. For instance, many 4.3 BSD-derived systems have a maximum receive buffer
size of about 52K and won't let you set a limit higher than this. My Linux box was limited
to 64K. Other systems raise this to about 240K. The details are highly platform-
dependent. Consequently, you may wish to check the actual size of the receive buffer
with getReceiveBufferSize() after setting it. The getReceiveBufferSize() method
returns the number of bytes in the buffer used for input from this socket.
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