Java Reference
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ready for writing. Both of these are I/O operations, and both can throw IOException s
for a variety of reasons, so you'll want to wrap this all in a try block:
try {
if ( key . isAcceptable ()) {
ServerSocketChannel server = ( ServerSocketChannel ) key . channel ();
SocketChannel connection = server . accept ();
connection . configureBlocking ( false );
connection . register ( selector , SelectionKey . OP_WRITE );
// set up the buffer for the client...
} else if ( key . isWritable ()) {
SocketChannel client = ( SocketChannel ) key . channel ();
// write data to client...
Writing the data onto the channel is easy. Retrieve the key's attachment, cast it to Byte
Buffer , and call hasRemaining() to check whether there's any unwritten data left in the
buffer. If there is, write it. Otherwise, refill the buffer with the next line of data from the
rotation array and write that.
ByteBuffer buffer = ( ByteBuffer ) key . attachment ();
if (! buffer . hasRemaining ()) {
// Refill the buffer with the next line
// Figure out where the last line started
buffer . rewind ();
int first = buffer . get ();
// Increment to the next character
buffer . rewind ();
int position = first - ' ' + 1 ;
buffer . put ( rotation , position , 72 );
buffer . put (( byte ) '\r' );
buffer . put (( byte ) '\n' );
buffer . flip ();
client . write ( buffer );
The algorithm that figures out where to grab the next line of data relies on the characters
being stored in the rotation array in ASCII order. buffer.get() reads the first byte of
data from the buffer. From this number you subtract the space character (32) because
that's the first character in the rotation array. This tells you which index in the array
the buffer currently starts at. You add 1 to find the start of the next line and refill the
In the chargen protocol, the server never closes the connection. It waits for the client
to break the socket. When this happens, an exception will be thrown. Cancel the key
and close the corresponding channel:
catch ( IOException ex ) {
key . cancel ();
try {
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