Java Reference
In-Depth Information
This is an HTTP/1.0 response code that tells the client to expect to be redirected. The
second line is a Date : header that gives the current time at the server. This line is optional.
The third line is the name and version of the server; this line is also optional but is used
by spiders that try to keep statistics about the most popular web servers. The next line
is the Location : header, which is required for this response type. It tells the client where
it is being redirected to. Last is the standard Content-type : header. You send the content
type text/html to indicate that the client should expect to see HTML. Finally, a blank
line is sent to signify the end of the header data.
Everything after this will be HTML, which is processed by the browser and displayed
to the user. The next several lines print a message for browsers that do not support
redirection, so those users can manually jump to the new site. That message looks like:
< HTML >< HEAD >< TITLE > Document moved </ TITLE ></ HEAD >
< BODY >< H1 > Document moved </ H1 >
The document / has moved to
< A HREF = "" > http: //</A>.
Please update your bookmarks < P ></ BODY ></ HTML >
Finally, the connection is closed and the thread dies.
A Full-Fledged HTTP Server
Enough special-purpose HTTP servers. This next section develops a full-blown HTTP
server, called JHTTP , that can serve an entire document tree, including images, applets,
HTML files, text files, and more. It will be very similar to the SingleFileHTTPServer ,
except that it pays attention to the GET requests. This server is still fairly lightweight;
after looking at the code, we'll discuss other features you might want to add.
Because this server may have to read and serve large files from the filesystem over
potentially slow network connections, you'll change its approach. Rather than processā€
ing each request as it arrives in the main thread of execution, you'll place incoming
connections in a pool. Separate instances of a RequestProcessor class will remove the
connections from the pool and process them. Example 9-12 shows the main JHTTP class.
As in the previous two examples, the main() method of JHTTP handles initialization,
but other programs can use this class to run basic web servers.
Example 9-12. The JHTTP web server
import* ;
import* ;
import java.util.concurrent.* ;
import java.util.logging.* ;
public class JHTTP {
private static final Logger logger = Logger . getLogger (
JHTTP . class . getCanonicalName ());
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