Java Reference
In-Depth Information
All these constructors throw an IOException , specifically, a BindException , if the
socket cannot be created and bound to the requested port. An IOException when cre‐
ating a ServerSocket almost always means one of two things. Either another server
socket, possibly from a completely different program, is already using the requested
port, or you're trying to connect to a port from 1 to 1023 on Unix (including Linux and
Mac OS X) without root (superuser) privileges.
You can take advantage of this to write a variation on the LowPortScanner program of
the previous chapter. Rather than attempting to connect to a server running on a given
port, you instead attempt to open a server on that port. If it's occupied, the attempt will
fail. Example 9-8 checks for ports on the local machine by attempting to create Server
Socket objects on them and seeing on which ports that fails. If you're using Unix and
are not running as root, this program works only for ports 1024 and above.
Example 9-8. Look for local ports
import* ;
import* ;
public class LocalPortScanner {
public static void main ( String [] args ) {
for ( int port = 1 ; port <= 65535 ; port ++) {
try {
// the next line will fail and drop into the catch block if
// there is already a server running on the port
ServerSocket server = new ServerSocket ( port );
} catch ( IOException ex ) {
System . out . println ( "There is a server on port " + port + "." );
Here's the output I got when running LocalPortScanner on my Windows workstation:
D: \ JAVA \ JNP4 \ examples \ 9 > java LocalPortScanner
There is a server on port 135 .
There is a server on port 1025 .
There is a server on port 1026 .
There is a server on port 1027 .
There is a server on port 1028 .
Constructing Without Binding
The noargs constructor creates a ServerSocket object but does not actually bind it to
a port, so it cannot initially accept any connections. It can be bound later using the
bind() methods:
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