Java Reference
In-Depth Information
Socket socket = null ;
try {
socket = new Socket ( SERVER , PORT );
// work with the socket...
} catch ( IOException ex ) {
System . err . println ( ex );
} finally {
if ( socket != null ) {
try {
socket . close ();
} catch ( IOException ex ) {
// ignore
With the noargs constructor, it looks like this:
Socket socket = new Socket ();
SocketAddress address = new InetSocketAddress ( SERVER , PORT );
try {
socket . connect ( address );
// work with the socket...
} catch ( IOException ex ) {
System . err . println ( ex );
} finally {
try {
socket . close ();
} catch ( IOException ex ) {
// ignore
That's not quite as nice as the autoclosing version in Java 7, but it is an improvement.
Socket Addresses
The SocketAddress class represents a connection endpoint. It is an empty abstract class
with no methods aside from a default constructor. At least theoretically, the
SocketAddress class can be used for both TCP and non-TCP sockets. In practice, only
TCP/IP sockets are currently supported and the socket addresses you actually use are
all instances of InetSocketAddress .
The primary purpose of the SocketAddress class is to provide a convenient store for
transient socket connection information such as the IP address and port that can be
reused to create new sockets, even after the original socket is disconnected and garbage
collected. To this end, the Socket class offers two methods that return SocketAddress
objects ( getRemoteSocketAddress() returns the address of the system being connected
to and getLocalSocketAddress() returns the address from which the connection is
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