Java Reference
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This constructor can throw an IOException or an UnknownHostException for the same
reasons as the previous constructors. In addition, it throws an IOException (probably
a BindException , although again that's just a subclass of IOException and not specifi‐
cally declared in the throws clause of this method) if the socket is unable to bind to the
requested local network interface. For instance, a program running on
can't connect from . You could take deliberate advantage of this to restrict
a compiled program to run on only a predetermined host. It would require customizing
distributions for each computer and is certainly overkill for cheap products. Further‐
more, Java programs are so easy to disassemble, decompile, and reverse engineer that
this scheme is far from foolproof. Nonetheless, it might be part of a scheme to enforce
a software license.
Constructing Without Connecting
All the constructors we've talked about so far both create the socket object and open a
network connection to a remote host. Sometimes you want to split those operations. If
you give no arguments to the Socket constructor, it has nowhere to connect to:
public Socket ()
You can connect later by passing a SocketAddress to one of the connect() methods.
For example:
try {
Socket socket = new Socket ();
// fill in socket options
SocketAddress address = new InetSocketAddress ( "" , 13 );
socket . connect ( address );
// work with the sockets...
} catch ( IOException ex ) {
System . err . println ( ex );
You can pass an int as the second argument to specify the number of milliseconds to
wait before the connection times out:
public void connect ( SocketAddress endpoint , int timeout ) throws IOException
The default, 0, means wait forever.
The raison d'être for this constructor is to enable different kinds of sockets. You also
need to use it to set a socket option that can only be changed before the socket connects.
I'll discuss this in “Setting Socket Options” on page 259 . However, the prime benefit I find
is that it enables me to clean up the code in try - catch - finally blocks, especially prior
to Java 7. The noargs constructor throws no exceptions so it enables you to avoid the
annoying null check when closing a socket in a finally block. With the original con‐
structor, most code looks like this:
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