Java Reference
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Constructing and Connecting Sockets
The class is Java's fundamental class for performing client-side TCP
operations. Other client-oriented classes that make TCP network connections such as
URL , URLConnection , Applet , and JEditorPane all ultimately end up invoking the
methods of this class. This class itself uses native code to communicate with the local
TCP stack of the host operating system.
Basic Constructors
Each Socket constructor specifies the host and the port to connect to. Hosts may be
specified as an InetAddress or a String . Remote ports are specified as int values from
1 to 65535:
public Socket ( String host , int port ) throws UnknownHostException , IOException
public Socket ( InetAddress host , int port ) throws IOException
These constructors connect the socket (i.e., before the constructor returns, an active
network connection is established to the remote host). If the connection can't be opened
for some reason, the constructor throws an IOException or an UnknownHostExcep
tion . For example:
try {
Socket toOReilly = new Socket ( "" , 80 );
// send and receive data...
} catch ( UnknownHostException ex ) {
System . err . println ( ex );
} catch ( IOException ex ) {
System . err . println ( ex );
In this constructor, the host argument is just a hostname expressed as a String . If the
domain name server cannot resolve the hostname or is not functioning, the constructor
throws an UnknownHostException . If the socket cannot be opened for some other rea‐
son, the constructor throws an IOException . There are many reasons a connection
attempt might fail: the host you're trying to reach may not accept connections on that
port, the hotel WiFi service may be blocking you until you log in to its website and pay
$14.95, or routing problems may be preventing your packets from reaching their des‐
Because this constructor doesn't just create a Socket object but also tries to connect the
socket to the remote host, you can use the object to determine whether connections to
a particular port are allowed, as in Example 8-5 .
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