Java Reference
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whether to follow redirects, get the response code and message, and figure out whether
a proxy server is being used. It also includes several dozen mnemonic constants match‐
ing the various HTTP response codes. Finally, it overrides the getPermission() method
from the URLConnection superclass, although it doesn't change the semantics of this
method at all.
Because this class is abstract and its only constructor is protected, you can't directly
create instances of HttpURLConnection . However, if you construct a URL object using
an http URL and invoke its openConnection() method, the URLConnection object re‐
turned will be an instance of HttpURLConnection . Cast that URLConnection to HttpURL
Connection like this:
URL u = new URL ( "" );
URLConnection uc = u . openConnection ();
HttpURLConnection http = ( HttpURLConnection ) uc ;
Or, skipping a step, like this:
URL u = new URL ( "" );
HttpURLConnection http = ( HttpURLConnection ) u . openConnection ();
The Request Method
When a web client contacts a web server, the first thing it sends is a request line. Typically,
this line begins with GET and is followed by the path of the resource that the client wants
to retrieve and the version of the HTTP protocol that the client understands. For ex‐
GET /catalog/jfcnut/index.html HTTP/1.0
However, web clients can do more than simply GET files from web servers. They can
POST responses to forms. They can PUT a file on a web server or DELETE a file from a
server. And they can ask for just the HEAD of a document. They can ask the web server
for a list of the OPTIONS supported at a given URL. They can even TRACE the request
itself. All of these are accomplished by changing the request method from GET to a
different keyword. For example, here's how a browser asks for just the header of a docu‐
ment using HEAD :
HEAD /catalog/jfcnut/index.html HTTP/1.1
Accept: text/html, image/gif, image/jpeg, *; q=.2, */*; q=.2
Connection: close
By default, HttpURLConnection uses the GET method. However, you can change this
with the setRequestMethod() method:
public void setRequestMethod(String method) throws ProtocolException
The method argument should be one of these seven case-sensitive strings:
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