Agriculture Reference
In-Depth Information
Site GradinG and the LeGaL
In this chapter you will learn about:
Site grading and why it is important
The practical and aesthetic considerations of site grading
How grading can be used to avoid or minimize various slope failure issues or area
The relationship between landscape architects, architects, and civil engineers as a
team or collaborative enterprise
Site grading as an integral component for achieving professional licensure
What Is sIte GradInG?
Site grading is a process requiring a set of technical skills and understanding of
a specific body of knowledge. The two are used together to guide the designer
in modifying the existing topography of a project site to achieve functional
objectives and accommodate program elements. Think of grading as land sculp-
ture using the medium of topography to achieve a desired three-dimensional
result. A sculptor might use clay, wax, or a whole range of materials to create
three-dimensional forms. The materials or tools that landscape architects use
to develop their design goals may initially involve clay, but eventually their
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