Agriculture Reference
In-Depth Information
be constructed; and tops and bottoms of flights of stairs, catch basins,
drainage swales, and ponds. Spot elevations also augment landform
generally shown as topographic contours. Spot elevations will be given
at the start and end of slope lines along pedestrian ramps or within a
paved surface or drainage swale. Those preparing grading plans decide
where best to provide spot elevations, generally giving the contractor
specific elevation instructions to ensure that adequate drainage is pro-
vided, for instance pitching a walkway so as to direct surface drainage
away from a building entrance.
Spot elevations on walls are supplemented with sections and ele-
vations that include wall dimensions and additional spot elevations for
use by the contractor in constructing the forms (in the case of poured in
place concrete wall), building modular masonry walls (see Figure 10.22),
or constructing timber walls.
AB Fence Cap Block
AB Fence Bond Beam
AB Fence Panel
AB Fence Post
Vertical Steel
Finish Grade
We Graded
Post Spacing
Figure 10.22 Example of detail wall elevation
coordination of Spot elevations with other
elevation conventions
Spot elevations are used with other symbols and notes for indicating
precise elevations when needed on a grading plan. In Figure 10.23 the
various ways of indicating elevation and grading design intent are
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