Agriculture Reference
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.03 = 4.3 / H
H = 4.3 / .035
H = 122.86'
One more example of how to use the formula S = V / H. Sup-
pose you want to locate an elevation of a point between two known
points. Look at Figure 9.19: you know that point A is at elevation 56.8´
and point B is at elevation 55.2´. Now let's say that you would like to
know where the elevation of 56´ would be along a straight line drawn
between points A and B. Two questions come to mind: What do you
know, and what do you not know, in order to solve the puzzle? You
know H and V but you do not know S yet. If you first solve for the per-
cent of slope from point A to point B you could next locate the eleva-
tion of 56´, which should be some distance between points A and B.
Scale: 1” = 20'
Figure 9.18 Considering the horizontal distance between points
A and B
Figure 9.19 Determine slope in this example
To determine the slope in Figure 9.19 first ask: “What do you
know from looking at the figure to use in solving the formula?” You
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