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this does not hold true for the equal opportunities with regard to sex, race
or place of birth in our planet.
The famous editor and scientifi c journalist Eduard Punset commented
in an interview: “In my opinion, all video games are educational, no mat-
ter whether they have been created with this purpose or not. Young people
that like software and video games are better prepared for learning com-
plex activities. They expand their visual horizons and the frontiers of their
senses in general, they learn to identify the most relevant information fac-
tors and to discard those of secondary importance” (Zahumenszky 2011).
People that have played video games have acquired capacities that are an
advantage in their adult lives and that generate a greater ei cacy when per-
forming the functions corresponding to their jobs. As Lee Sheldon explains,
this is connected to the incorporation to the labour force of a generation of
video game players (Extramania 2011) that have a predisposition for apply-
ing concepts learnt during years of pressing buttons, typing at the keyboard
and handling mouses and, in turn, to the way bosses that do not belong to
this part of the population will have to adapt themselves to the culture of
their subordinates. All for the sake of ei cacy and productivity.
Work while you work,
Play while you play,
This is the way
To be happy each day.
All that you do,
Do with your might,
Things done by half
Are never done right.
Natural Gamifi cation
Antonella Broglia, former vice president and CEO of Saatchi & Saatchi
Spain, has elaborated on what I regard as “natural gamifi cation”. During
a lecture she reviewed The Kids Are Alright (Beck and Wade 2006), an
interesting book that contains theses such as:
1. So many gaming hours have produced a generation of young workers
ready to make a valuable contribution, these youths consider them-
selves prepared and are willing to prove it.
2. Somehow gamers discover competition everywhere, and winning is
very important to them.
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