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string item = string .Empty;
SomeMethod(item = names.Dequeue());
Console .WriteLine(item);
SomeMethod has been created with a Conditional attribute attached:
[ Conditional ( "DEBUG" )]
private static void SomeMethod( string param)
That's going to cause very subtle bugs. The call to SomeMethod() only
happens when the DEBUG symbol is defined. If not, that call doesn't hap-
pen. Neither does the call to names.Dequeue(). Because the result is not
needed, the method is not called. Any method marked with the Condi-
tional attribute should not take any parameters. The user could use a
method call with side effects to generate those parameters. Those method
calls will not take place if the condition is not true.
The Conditional attribute generates more efficient IL than #if/#endif
does. It also has the advantage of being applicable only at the function
level, which forces you to better structure your conditional code. The com-
piler uses the Conditional attribute to help you avoid the common errors
we've all made by placing the #if or #endif in the wrong spot. The Con-
ditional attribute provides better support for you to cleanly separate
conditional code than the preprocessor did.
Item 5: Always Provide ToString()
System.Object.ToString() is one of the most-used methods in the .NET
environment. You should write a reasonable version for all the clients of
your class. Otherwise, you force every user of your class to use the prop-
erties in your class and create a reasonable human-readable representa-
tion. This string representation of your type can be used to easily display
information about an object to users: in Windows Presentation Founda-
tion (WPF) controls, Silverlight controls, Web Forms, or console output.
The string representation can also be useful for debugging. Every type that
you create should provide a reasonable override of this method. When you
create more complicated types, you should implement the more sophisti-
cated IFormattable.ToString(). Face it: If you don't override this routine,
or if you write a poor one, your clients are forced to fix it for you.
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