Information Technology Reference
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if (value is PayrollData )
data.Add(( PayrollData )value);
return data.Count;
public void Clear() { data.Clear(); }
public bool Contains( object value)
if (value is PayrollData )
return data.Contains(( PayrollData )value);
// If the argument isn't the right type,
// it must not be here.
return false ;
public int IndexOf( object value)
if (value is PayrollData )
return data.IndexOf(( PayrollData )value);
return - 1 ;
public void Insert( int index, object value)
{ if (value is PayrollData )
data.Insert(index, ( PayrollData )value); }
public bool IsFixedSize
{ get { return (data as IBindingList ).IsFixedSize; } }
public bool IsReadOnly
{ get { return (data as IBindingList ).IsReadOnly; } }
public void Remove( object value)
if (value is PayrollData )
data.Remove(( PayrollData )value);
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