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Yo u r c l a s s n o w w o r k s w i t h t h e e n v e l o p e c l a s s t o h a n d l e i t s i n t e r n a l d a t a .
private Envelope data;
public IBindingList MyCollection
return data;
public void UpdateData()
The Envelope class implements the IBindingList by forwarding every
request to the contained BindingList<PayrollData>:
public class Envelope : IBindingList
private BindingList < PayrollData > data =
new BindingList < PayrollData >();
#region IBindingList Members
public void AddIndex( PropertyDescriptor property)
{ (data as IBindingList ).AddIndex(property); }
public object AddNew() { return data.AddNew(); }
public bool AllowEdit { get { return data.AllowEdit; } }
public bool AllowNew { get { return data.AllowNew; } }
public bool AllowRemove
{ get { return data.AllowRemove; } }
public void ApplySort( PropertyDescriptor property,
ListSortDirection direction)
{ (data as IBindingList ).
ApplySort(property, direction); }
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