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object o = Factory .GetObject();
// Version one:
MyType t = o as MyType ;
if (t != null )
// work with t, it's a MyType.
// report the failure.
Or, you could write this:
object o = Factory .GetObject();
// Version two:
MyType t;
t = ( MyType )o;
// work with T, it's a MyType.
catch ( InvalidCastException )
// report the conversion failure.
Yo u ' l l a g r e e t h a t t h e fi r s t v e r s i o n i s s i m p l e r a n d e a s i e r t o r e a d . I t d o e s n o t
have the try / catch clause, so you avoid both the overhead and the code.
Notice that the cast version must check null in addition to catching excep-
tions. null can be converted to any reference type using a cast, but the as
operator returns null when used on a null reference. So, with casts, you
need to check null and catch exceptions. Using as , you simply check the
returned reference against null .
The biggest difference between the as operator and the cast operator is
how user-defined conversions are treated. The as and is operators exam-
ine the runtime type of the object being converted; they do not perform
any other operations. If a particular object is not the requested type or is
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