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Like many things, making this easy is hard. But the hard code only gets
written once, so it is worth the work. The work to be done is boilerplate:
1. See if the new value and the old value are different.
2. Raise the INotifyPropertyChanging event.
3. Change the value.
4. Raise the INotifyPropertyChanged event.
The hard part is determining what string to use for the name of the prop-
erty. Remember that the point of this exercise is to make the code durable
enough so that strings aren't necessary to make the code work properly. I
wanted to make an API that is as simple as possible for users but allows the
code underlying that simple API to execute whatever magic was necessary
to do all the work.
My original goal was to make the extension methods extend either
INotifyPropertyChanged or INotifyPropertyChanging, but that made the
API worse, primarily because it made raising the events harder. Instead,
the method actually extends the PropertyChanged event that is a member
of INotifyPropertyChanged. Here's how you would use it in the
// MemoryMonitor, using the extension methods
private void timerCallback( object unused)
long updatedValue = GC .GetTotalMemory( false );
() => UsedMemory);
public long UsedMemory
get ;
private set ;
This serves the goal of making the implementation of the MemoryMonitor
much easier. No magic strings. The UsedMemory is now an automatic
property. There are no magic strings inside the code. The code to imple-
ment this is a complicated bit that uses reflection and expression trees, so
let's walk through it carefully. Here's the full extension method:
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