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That's all the code you need. Time to compile it and turn it into a delegate
that you can call:
var func = expr.Compile();
converter = func;
That is complicated, and it's not the easiest to write. You'll often find
compiler-like errors at runtime until you get the expressions built cor-
rectly. It's also clearly not the best way to approach simple problems. But
even so, the Expression APIs are much simpler than their predecessors in
the Reflection APIs. That's when you should use the Expression APIs:
When you think you want to use reflection, try to solve the problem using
the Expression APIs instead.
The Expression APIs can be used in two very different ways: You can cre-
ate methods that take expressions as parameters, which enables you to
parse those expressions and create code based on the concepts behind the
expressions that were called. Also, the Expression APIs enable you to cre-
ate code at runtime. You can create classes that write code, and then exe-
cute the code they've written. It's a very powerful way to solve some of the
more difficult general purpose problems you'll encounter.
Item 43: Use Expressions to Transform Late Binding into
Early Binding
Late binding APIs use the symbol text to do their work. Compiled APIs
do not need that information, because the compiler has already resolved
symbol references. The Expression API enables you to bridge both worlds.
Expression objects contain a form of abstract symbol tree that represents
the algorithms you want to execute. You can use the Expression API to exe-
cute that code. You can also examine all the symbols, including the names
of variables, methods, and properties. You can use the Expression APIs to
create strongly typed compiled methods that interact with portions of the
system that rely on late binding, and use the names of properties or other
One of the most common examples of a late binding API is the property
notification interfaces used by Silverlight and WPF. Both Silverlight and
WPF were designed to respond to bound properties changing so that user
interface elements can respond when data elements change underneath
the user interface. Of course, there is no magic; there is only code that you
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