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public override DynamicMetaObject BindSetMember(
SetMemberBinder binder,
DynamicMetaObject value)
// Method to call in the containing class:
string methodName = "SetDictionaryEntry" ;
// setup the binding restrictions.
BindingRestrictions restrictions =
BindingRestrictions .GetTypeRestriction(Expression,
// setup the parameters:
Expression [] args = new Expression [ 2 ];
// First parameter is the name of the property to Set
args[ 0 ] = Expression .Constant(binder.Name);
// Second parameter is the value
args[ 1 ] = Expression .Convert(value.Expression,
typeof ( object ));
// Setup the 'this' reference
Expression self = Expression .Convert(Expression,
// Setup the method call expression
Expression methodCall = Expression .Call(self,
typeof ( DynamicDictionary2 ).GetMethod(methodName),
// Create a meta object to invoke Set later:
DynamicMetaObject setDictionaryEntry = new
DynamicMetaObject (
// return that dynamic object
return setDictionaryEntry;
Metaprogramming quickly gets confusing, so let's walk through this slowly.
The first line sets the name of the method called in the DynamicDictionary,
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