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that you are paying some extra overhead. That overhead is worthwhile
when it's needed, but when you can avoid it, you should.
Yo u h a v e t o m a k e a n e i t h e r / o r c h o i c e w i t h d y n a m i c a n d s t a t i c i n v o c a t i o n .
Yo u c a n c r e a t e o v e r l o a d s o f t h e Wr i t e P r i c i n g I n f o r m a t i o n ( ) m e t h o d t h a t
are specific to the Product classes in your object model:
public class Product
public decimal Cost { get ; set ; }
public string Name { get ; set ; }
public decimal Price
get { return Cost * 1.15M ; }
// Derived Product class:
public class SpecialProduct : Product
public string ReasonOnSpecial { get ; set ; }
// other methods elided
// elsewhere
public static void WritePricingInformation( dynamic product)
Console .WriteLine( "The price of one {0} is {1}" ,
product.Name, product.Price);
public static void WritePricingInformation( Product product)
Console .WriteLine( "In type safe version" );
Console .WriteLine( "The price of one {0} is {1}" ,
product.Name, product.Price);
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