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same object that the original does. A deep copy creates a new object that
copies all member variables as well. All reference types are cloned recur-
sively in the copy. In built-in types, such as integers, the deep and shallow
copies produce the same results. Which one does a type support? That
depends on the type. But mixing shallow and deep copies in the same
object causes quite a few inconsistencies. When you go wading into the
ICloneable waters, it can be hard to escape. Most often, avoiding ICloneable
altogether makes a simpler class. It's easier to use, and it's easier to
Any value type that contains only built-in types as members does not need
to support ICloneable; a simple assignment copies all the values of the
struct more efficiently than Clone(). Clone() must box its return so that
it can be coerced into a System.Object reference. The caller must perform
another cast to extract the value from the box. You've got enough to do.
Don't write a Clone() function that replicates an assignment.
What about value types that contain reference types? The most obvious
case is a value type that contains a string :
public struct ErrorMessage
private int errCode;
private int details;
private string msg;
// details elided
string is a special case because this class is immutable. If you assign an
error message object, both error message objects refer to the same string .
This does not cause any of the problems that might happen with a general
reference type. If you change the msg variable through either reference,
you create a new string object (see Item 16).
The general case of creating a struct that contains arbitrary reference
variables is more complicated. It's also far rarer. The built-in assignment
for the struct creates a shallow copy, with both struct s referring to the
same object. To create a deep copy, you need to clone the contained reference
type, and you need to know that the reference type supported a deep copy
with its Clone() method. Even then, that will only work if the contained
reference type also supports ICloneable, and its Clone() method creates a
deep copy.
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