Information Technology Reference
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The final choice is to provide a wrapper object and export an instance of
the wrapper, which minimizes access to the contained object. The System
.Collections.ObjectModel.ReadOnlyCollection<T> type is the standard
way to wrap a collection and export a read-only version of that data:
public class MyBusinessObject
// Read Only property providing access to a
// private data member:
private BindingList < ImportantData > listOfData = new
BindingList < ImportantData >();
public IBindingList BindingData
get { return listOfData; }
public ReadOnlyCollection < ImportantData > CollectionOfData
return new ReadOnlyCollection < ImportantData >
// other details elided
Exposing reference types through your public interface allows users of
your object to modify its internals without going through the methods
and properties you've defined. That seems counterintuitive, which makes
it a common mistake. You need to modify your class's interfaces to take
into account that you are exporting references rather than values. If you
simply return internal data, you've given access to those contained mem-
bers. Your clients can call any method that is available in your members.
Yo u l i m i t t h a t a c c e s s b y e x p o s i n g p r i v a t e i n t e r n a l d a t a u s i n g i n t e r f a c e s ,
wrapper objects, or value types.
Item 27: Prefer Making Your Types Serializable
Persistence is a core feature of a type. It's one of those basic elements that no
one notices until you neglect to support it. If your type does not support
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