Information Technology Reference
In-Depth Information
Item 21: Limit Visibility of Your Types
Not everybody needs to see everything. Not every type you create needs to
be public. You should give each type the least visibility necessary to accom-
plish your purpose. That's often less visibility than you think. Internal or
private classes can implement public interfaces. All clients can access the
functionality defined in the public interfaces declared in a private type.
It's just too easy to create public types. And, it's often expedient to do just
that. Many standalone classes that you create should be internal. You can
further limit visibility by creating protected or private classes nested inside
your original class. The less visibility there is, the less the entire system
changes when you make updates later. The fewer places that can access a
piece of code, the fewer places you must change when you modify it.
Expose only what needs to be exposed. Try implementing public interfaces
with less visible classes. You'll find examples using the Enumerator pattern
throughout the .NET Framework library. System.Collections.Generic
.List<T> contains a private class, Enumerator<T>, that implements the
IEnumerator<T> interface:
// For illustration, not complete source
public class List <T> : IEnumerable <T>
private class Enumerator <T> : IEnumerator <T>
// Contains specific implementation of
// MoveNext(), Reset(), and Current.
public Enumerator( List <T> storage)
// elided
public IEnumerator <T> GetEnumerator()
return new Enumerator <T>( this );
// other List members.
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