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Social/Societal SCM that integrates a social thought into the SCM. In the same
order of idea, Ciliberti et al. ( 2008 ) consider a Corporate Social Responsibility
where the motivation and the loyalty of the employees increase. In this context, the
SA8000 certification must be the norm. In consequence, we suggest to follow the
model proposed by Gond ( 2006 ), including the literature's social/societal dimen-
sions applied to the SCM field (for example: the general behavioural context, to be
reconciled with the managerial and behavioural components ? common culture/
definition of roles/sharing of risks and rewards, rythms of work, reduction of
conflict, training, suggestion box), and to Green SCM (for example: professional
health and safety).
In brief, from the literature review, we can deduce a general framework for a
SuSCM approach of urban logistics. We propose to define the components of
( 2013 )
transport component as shown in the Fig. 3 .
According the importance of sustainable development, we consider that it is
important to define clearly a SuSCM. It becomes so convenient to conceptualize a
specific aspect for economic SCM, green SCM and social/societal SCM which
include sustainable transport. However, we should not forget that SCM (and also
SuSCM) is a transverse concept. De facto, each dimension has to be inter-con-
nected. Considering the few studies that analyse the links between logistics and
sustainable development, we built an interview guide. The definition of this guide
was a long and difficult task, because this guide has to be flexible enough to allow
the two actors of the interview (the interviewed vs. the interviewer) to adapt their
interventions to each another's constraints and needs. For example, maximum
quantity of responses must be in concordance with the highly restrictive constraint
Sustainable Supply Chain Management
Economic aspect
societal aspect
Supply Chain
Management (SCM)
Chain Management
Supply Chain Man-
agement (S2oSCM)
Sustainable Supply Chain Management Balanced Scorecard
Last-mile transport
Transport pooling
Green transport
Fig. 3
Main components of the SuSCM (adapted from Morana 2013 )
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