Environmental Engineering Reference
In-Depth Information
• Exogenous constraints are mastered: the efficiency of such an equipment is
based on its capacity to integrate different activities and to find a legitimacy and
an acceptability at a local scale. From this point of view, communicating with
local residents is essential. It must impulse a will of involvement et responsi-
bility on necessary conditions of a street, neighbourhood, district and fight
efficiently against the NIMBY (Not In My Back Yard—used to describe the
rejection of some people to new infrastructures) syndrome.
• Responding to multiple users: the layout and access must be adapted and
secured according to the practices ensued by the users.
• Taking also into account the vagueness of transport and logistics professionals'
demands: New markets (such as e-business in B2B, B2C and C2C), induce new
mobility practices (travellers and freight) and new patterns of deliveries (multi
and cross-canal). We are entering in an era where logistics must prove ''agility
and ubiquity''. This trend reinforces the need of proximity to clients and forces a
reinvestment in urban centres. These new spaces of rupture are however con-
sidered by professionals as centres of costs and not as centres of profit, because
the potential places of implantation are generally unsuited to the new challenges
of urban supplies. They can however represent for urban planners key tools for
favouring functional diversity by welcoming a wide range of activities.
• The acceptability is not completely acquired: the actors involved still have to be
convinced (residents and politics) and are not aware on the subject of urban
logistics. There is a need to create a communication strategy.
• The financial profitability of the logistics hotel concept remains undefined: this
point lies on the locative price of the building, the maintenance, the operation of
the concept and the locative potential.
4.5 Specialist ULSs
The possible responses to the problematic of urban deliveries are not unique.
Every city, every neighbourhood has its own specificities and according the social
and economic characteristics of the urban area and the ambitions of the urban
planners, various solutions can be considered.
Thus, unlike the generalist ULSs are adapted to a wider range of products and
customers, specialist ULSs, concentrated spatially and functionally, are possible
solutions. We classified them in three groups:
4.6 Vehicles Reception Point (VRP)
Utility vehicle parking is one of the ''black spots'' of the action of delivery for two
reasons: because of the negative effects on other users of the road network (con-
gestion, various nuisances…) and because of the difficulty for drivers to find an
appropriate location to park (time loss, security…). Moreover, the fact that most of
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