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Table 3
Information systems and technologies for logistics pooling
Technologies and tools
Fax; electronic data exchange tools (web-based or intranet-based); internet;
smartphone applications
Onboard radio; onboard/portable terminals; fixed phone; mobile phone;
internet; multifunction portable terminals
Identification/codification; electronic reading; barcodes; RFID; bidimensional
codes; waymarks; GPS tracking systems; vocal systems; recorders;
memory systems
systems. The document exchange systems assure communication between the
actors and record several transactions after which the communication systems
ensure enterprise flow guidance. Finally, the traceability systems are developed to
locate and monitor freight movement Table 3 .
3.6 Synthesis and Organizational Model
After presenting the model of various modules, we can define an organizational
model from the Information Systems Theory (Laudon and Laudon 2007 ) as shown
in Fig. 2 .
4 Model Validation Via a Case Study: The LUMD Project
Finally, we present the main results of research on a case study (Eisenhardt 1989 ;
Yin 1994 ) for a logistics sharing project conducted by the biggest press distribu-
tion company in France, which involved 12 different partners, each with a different
competence. This is a qualitative study. In a recent study (Gonzalez-Feliu and
Morana 2011 ), the main aspects of sharing for a single operator were presented,
whereas in this work, we will focus on the collaborative aspects of logistics
sharing, more precisely related to the virtual logistics-sharing platform developed
within the context of the LUMD (Logistique Urbaine Mutualisée Durable, or
Sustainable Urban Logistics Sharing) project.
4.1 Press Distribution in France: General Context
The case study deals with the Presstalis group, an action-based delivery company
handling 80 % of traditional press distribution in France. The main activities of the
company deal with logistics planning and organization for all the distribution and
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