Environmental Engineering Reference
In-Depth Information
Urban Consolidation and Logistics
Planning, Management and Scenario
Assessment Issues
Joëlle Morana, Jesus Gonzalez-Feliu and Frédéric Semet
Abstract In logistics and freight transport, collaboration and pooling are popular
strategies, in practice, that remain less explored in research. In recent years, col-
laborative transportation and pooling have become urban logistics alternatives to
classical urban consolidation centres, but remain in a developmental stage. This
chapter proposes a framework for urban logistics pooling, strategic planning and
ex-ante evaluation. First, the main concepts of logistics pooling and their appli-
cations to urban delivery services are presented. Then, an information systems-
based framework for planning and evaluation is described, from which a set of
indicators are identified. To illustrate this framework, a case study from a French
urban logistics pooling system is proposed.
Keywords Urban logistics pooling Freight transport Supply chain manage-
ment Sustainability Collaboration
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