Environmental Engineering Reference
In-Depth Information
Table 2
Modeling techniques classification
Flow unit
Modeling technique/principle
Trip interchange
Commodity generation: regression models, trip
rates, cross classification analyses(simple,
Distribution spatial interaction, opportunity,
Input-output: single region, multi-regional,
Freight mode choice: ad-hoc procedures, without
considering shipment size, considering
shipment size(endogenous, exogenous)
Empty trip: econometric, simplified trip chain
Joint commodity flow
and vehicle-trip
Spatial price equilibrium: trip based, tour based
Vehicle-trip based
Trip generation: regression models, trip rates,
cross classification analyses(simple, multiple)
Distribution models: spatial interaction,
opportunity, etc.
Tour based models
Vehicle-trip based
Micro-simulation: logistic based, with/without
behavioral models
Join commodity flow
and vehicle-trip
Micro-simulation-hybrid: with modeling of
commodity flows and routing of vehicles
Spatial price equilibrium: tour based, static,
Both(trip or tour)
Both(commodity flow
and vehicle-trip)
Freight origin-destination synthesis models; with
and without empty trips, structured and
unstructured approaches, and their variants
Freight trip generation data. This process is concerned with the estimation of the
number of freight vehicle-trips that are needed to transport the freight generated. In
essence, the freight trip generation is expression of the logistics used while the
freight generation reflects the economics of production and consumption.
Delivery tours. This category refers to the information required to characterize
delivery tours. It includes information about the sequence and location of the
nodes visited by the delivery vehicles, and amount of cargo (or deliveries) picked
up or delivered. In addition, data should be gathered about the commodity origin-
destination (OD) flows along the tour and data about the empty vehicle trips—used
for empty trip models.
Economic characteristics and spatial distribution/location of agents. Most mod-
eling techniques require data to characterize the behavior of the agents involved.
Important data include: business size, number of employees, number and type of
trucks, frequency of deliveries, shipment size, inventory policies, hours of oper-
ations, sales, industry segment, spatial location and distribution of the businesses
and of their respective suppliers and consumers, among others.
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