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427 Neuroses except depressive
428 Disorders of personality & impulse control
429 Organic disturbances & mental retardation
430 Psychoses
431 Childhood mental disorders
432 Other mental disorder diagnoses
433 Alcohol/drug abuse or dependence, left, against medical advice
434 Alcohol/drug abuse or dependence, detoxiication or other symptom treatment with complications,
435 Alcohol/drug abuse or dependence, detoxiication or other symptom treatment without complica-
tions, comorbidities
436 Alcohol/drug dependence with rehabilitation therapy
437 Alcohol/drug dependence combined rehabilitation & detoxiication therapy
ICD9 codes are developed by the World Health Organization. They represent a very detailed method
of classifying patient conditions and procedures. A complete listing is readily available on the internet.
(Anonymous-ICD9, 2008) For patient diagnoses, each ICD9 code has a form of xxx.xx, where the first
three digits represent the general patient condition and the last two digits give specifics of that diag-
nosis. The first digit may be a 'v' or an 'e'. The 'v' represents a pre-existing factor that can influence
the current health status; the 'e' represents external causes of injury and poisoning. For procedures, the
code is of the form of xx.xx. Some providers and organizations have adopted the ICD10 coding system,
although ICD9 remains the standard in the United States. It will shortly be abandoned and the US will
adopt ICD10 codes.
For example, the ICD9 codes for different conditions of diabetes are
250 Diabetes mellitus
1 type I [juvenile type], not stated as uncontrolled
2 type II or unspecified type, uncontrolled
3 type I [juvenile type], uncontrolled
250.0 Diabetes mellitus without mention of complication
250.1 Diabetes with ketoacidosis
250.2 Diabetes with hyperosmolarity
250.3 Diabetes with other coma
250.4 Diabetes with renal manifestations
250.5 Diabetes with ophthalmic manifestations
250.6 Diabetes with neurological manifestations
250.7 Diabetes with peripheral circulatory disorders
250.8 Diabetes with other speciied manifestations
250.9 Diabetes with unspeciied complication
Similarly, the procedure codes for surgery on the joints are
81 Repair and plastic operations on joint structures
81.0 Spinal fusion
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