Travel Reference
In-Depth Information
$$$ Higher Priced —Most rooms €90 or more.
$$ Moderately Priced —Most rooms between €65-90.
$ Lower Priced —Most rooms €65 or less.
Prices can change without notice; verify the hotel's current rates online or by
email. For the best prices, always book direct.
$ Hôtel Régence**, a top budget deal, has a riverfront location, immaculate and
comfortable Provençal rooms, safe parking, and easy access to the train station (Db-
€55-70, Tb-€70-85, Qb-€80-100, choose river view or quieter courtyard rooms, most
rooms have showers, good buffet breakfast-€6, air-con, no elevator but only two floors,
guest computer and Wi-Fi, garage-€6; from Place Lamartine, turn right immediately after
passing between towers to reach 5 Rue Marius Jouveau; tel. 04 90 96 39 85, www.hotel- , ) . The gentle Nouvions speak some English.
$$ Hôtel Acacias**, just off Place Lamartine and inside the old city walls, is a mod-
ern hotel selling reliable comfort at fair prices. The pretty pastel rooms are on the small
side, but the modern elevator makes this a find in Arles (standard Sb-€55, Db-€65-74,
extra bed-€15, breakfast-€8, air-con, Wi-Fi, 2 Rue de la Cavalerie, tel. 04 90 96 37 88, , ) .
$ Hôtel Voltaire* rents 12small, spartan rooms with ceiling fans and nifty balconies
particular about cleanliness. Smiling owner “Mr.” Ferran (fur-ran) loves the States, and
hopes you'll add to his postcard collection (D-€30, Ds-€35, Db-€40, 1 Place Voltaire, tel.
04 90 96 49 18, ). They also serve a good-value lunch and dinner in
their recommended restaurant.
$ La Maison du Pelerin offersspotless dormroomswith three tosixbedsperroom.
andhomeylivingarea.Bookinadvancebyphoneoremail andgetthedoorcode.Youcan
are included (€25/person, shared bath, must pay in advance, Wi-Fi, 26 Place Pomme, mo-
bile 06 99 71 11 89, ) .
Near Arles
Many drivers, particularly those with families, prefer staying outside Arles in the peaceful
countryside, with easy access to the area's sights. See also “Sleeping in and near Les
Baux,” on here . These three places are all in or near Fontvieille, a pleasant village with
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