Travel Reference
In-Depth Information
Orientation to Guernica
Guernica issmall (about 17,000inhabitants) andcompact, focused onits largemarket hall
(Monday market 9:00-14:00).
Tourist Information: The TI is in the town center (daily 10:00-14:00 &
16:00-18:00, longer hours in summer, Artekalea 8, tel. 946-255-892, www.gernika- ). Pick up the free, good town map. If you'll be visiting both the Peace Museum
and the Basque Country Museum, buy the €6 combo-ticket here.
Arrival in Guernica: Drivers will find a handy parking lot near the train tracks at
the end of town. Buses drop off passengers along the main road skirting the town center.
Nomatterwhereyouenter,theTIiswell-signed(lookforyellow i signs)—headtherefirst
to get your bearings.
Sights in Guernica
I've arranged Guernica's sights in the order of a handy sightseeing loop from the TI.
find the...
Gernika Peace Museum
Because of the brutality of the Guernica bombing, and the powerful Picasso painting that
fism. This thoughtfully presented exhibit has taken a great tragedy of 20th-century history
and turned it into a compelling cry for peace in our time. Borrow the English translations
at the entry, request an English showing of the movie upstairs, and head up through the
nica life in the 1930s...until the bombs dropped (a mirror effect shows you the devastating
aftermath). You'll exit through the rubble into an exhibit about the town's history, with a
special emphasis on the bombing. Finally, a 10-minute movie shows grainy footage of the
destruction, and ends with a collage of peaceful reconciliations in recent history—in Ire-
land, South Africa, Guatemala, Australia, and Berlin. On the second floor, Picasso's fam-
exhibit concludes with a survey of the recent history of conflicts in the Basque Country.
Cost and Hours: €5;Tue-Sat10:00-19:00,Sun10:00-14:00,closedMon;ForuPlaza
1, tel. 946-270-213, .
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