Travel Reference
In-Depth Information
At the charcuterie or traiteur (for deli items, prepared salads, meats, and pâtés), I
like a slice of pâté de campagne (country pâté made of pork) and saucissons sec (dried
sausages, some with pepper crust orgarlic—you can ask tohave it sliced thin like salami).
I get a fresh salad, too. Typical options are carottes râpées (shredded carrots in a tangy
vinaigrette), salade de betteraves (beets in vinaigrette), and céleri rémoulade (celery root
with a mayonnaise sauce). The food comes in easy-to-carry takeout boxes, and they may
supply a plastic fork (fourchette).
Ata cave à vin, youcanbuychilledwinesthatthemerchantisusuallyhappytoopen
and re-cork for you. Note: Bottles of Champagne don't require a corkscrew to open!
At a supermarché, épicerie, or magasin d'alimentation (small grocery store or min-
imart), you'll find plastic cutlery and glasses, paper plates, napkins, drinks, chips, and
sometimes a small display of produce. Supermarchés are less colorful than smaller stores,
but cheaper, more efficient, and offer adequate quality. Department stores often have su-
permarkets in the basement. On the outskirts of cities, you'll find the monster hyper-
marchés. Drop in for a glimpse of hyper-France in action.
In stores, unrefrigerated soft drinks, bottled water, and beer are one-third the price
of cold drinks. Bottled water and boxed fruit juice are the cheapest drinks. Avoid buying
drinks to-go at streetside stands; they cost far less in a shop. Hang on to the half-liter
mineral-water bottles (sold everywhere for about €1). Buy juice in cheap liter boxes, then
drink some and store the extra in your water bottle. Of course, water quenches your thirst
France, filling my bottle in hotel rooms as I go.
Sandwiches and Other Quick Bites
Throughout France you'll find bakeries and small stands selling baguette sandwiches,
quiche, and pizza-like items to go for about €4. Usually filling and tasty, they also stream-
line the picnic process. Here are some sandwiches you'll see:
Fromage (froh-mahzh): Cheese (white on beige).
Jambon beurre (zhahn-bohn bur): Ham and butter (boring for most, but a French
Jambon crudités (zhahn-bohnkrew-dee-tay):Hamwithtomatoes,lettuce,cucumbers,and
Pain salé (pan sah-lay) or fougasse (foo-gahs): Bread rolled up with salty bits of ba-
con, cheese, or olives.
Poulet crudités (poo-lay krew-dee-tay): Chicken with tomatoes, lettuce, maybe cu-
cumbers, and always mayonnaise.
Saucisson beurre (saw-see-sohn bur): Thinly sliced sausage and butter.
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