Travel Reference
In-Depth Information —don'texpectafastreply.Thoseplanningtoalso
visit the Abri du Cap Blanc cave (described next) can reserve and buy tickets here in July
and Aug.
Getting a Ticket: To preserve the precious and fragile art, the number of daily vis-
itors allowed is strictly regulated (180/day in 2011, 96/day in 2012, 80/day in 2013, and
maybe even fewer in 2014). Tickets are doled out each morning starting at 9:30. In sum-
mer, plan to be in line by 6:30, in spring and fall no later than 7:30, and in the winter you
should be OK if you pop in by 9:00. It's worth trying to request an English-language tour.
Youcan dropbythe sight at anytime duringopening hoursandget the latest onhowearly
you need to show up to get a ticket. You must check in 15 minutes before your tour, or
you'll lose your place to the sightseeing vultures waiting to snatch up the spots of late ar-
rivals. You can always join this flock and try to snag a place (some ticket-holders don't
in this chapter.
Tours: Because English tours are limited (usually Sept-May at 11:00, July-Aug also
is useless, but depending on the guide, the actual tour can be either illuminating and en-
thusiastic, or little more than pointing out legs, eyes, heads, and bellies of the bison. Don't
fret if you're not on an English tour—most important is experiencing the art itself.
Getting There: ThecaveisatthecornerofD-47andD-48,aboutatwo-minutedrive
(or a 15-minute walk) east of Les Eyzies-de-Tayac (toward Sarlat). There's easy on-site
parking.Afterchecking inattheticket house,walk400yardsonanuphillpathtothecave
entrance (where there's a free, safe bag check and a WC).
Abri du Cap Blanc
In this prehistoric cave (a 10-minute drive from Grotte de Font-de-Gaume), early artists
tour in a single stone room explaining the 14,000-year-old carvings. The small museum
(with English explanations) helps prepare you for your visit, and the useful English
handout describes what the French-speaking guide is talking about. Look for places where
the artists smoothed or roughened the surfaces to add depth. Impressive as these carvings
are, their subtle majesty is lost on some.
Cost and Hours: €7.50,17andunderfree;includesrequired45-minutetour,7tours/
day, call for tour times (but you can't reserve by phone), cave open mid-May-mid-Sept
Sun-Fri 10:00-18:00, mid-Sept-mid-May Sun-Fri 10:00-12:30 & 14:00-17:30, closed Sat
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