Travel Reference
In-Depth Information
Dordogne Towns and Sights
The towns and sights described below coincide with the Dordogne River Valley scenic
loop outlined earlier (see here ). In many villages, parking must be paid for during the day
but is free overnight (19:00-10:00) and off-season. Be sure you pay; cars are checked.
Parked cars are appealing to thieves—take everything out or stow belongings out of sight.
Those with a car can enjoy tranquil rural accommodations at great prices in these
cozy villages. I like the comfort they provide and the views they offer. Read about the vil-
lages below, then make your choice—you can't go wrong.
There's more to this castle-topped village than meets the eye—leave most tourists behind
andfindafewcafés,apizzeria,andahandfulof chambresd'hôtes, includingtheserecom-
mended listings (for locations, see map on here ) .
Sleeping and Eating in Montfort
$$ Chambres la Barde has five good rooms in a warm, modern stone home with a
swimming pool, a cozy lounge, a big grass yard, a communal kitchen, a game room,
and views to Montfort castle from most rooms' terraces (Db-€55-94, extra person-€10,
2-room suite sleeps 5, cash only, Wi-Fi, below Montfort castle—green signs guide you
there, tel. 05 53 28 24 34, mobile 06 86 88 60 93, , labarde- ).
$$ L'Ombriere, with four elegant rooms and caring Italian hosts Andrea and Bar-
bara, is a calm B&B overlooking a walnut grove (Db-€82-92, some rooms have air-
con, Wi-Fi, on east edge of Montfort village—watch for signs, tel. 05 53 28 11 38, , ) .
▲▲▲ Domme
This busy little town merits a stop for its stunning view; it's ideal early or late, when
crowds recede and the light is best. If you come for lunch or dinner, arrive early enough
to savor the cliff-capping setting, and if you come on market day (Thu) expect to hoof it
up from a parking lot well below (cars not allowed in old town until the market is over).
Follow signs up to La Bastide de Domme, and drive right through the narrow gate of the
fortified town walls. Park at a pay lot in town, then follow Le Panorama signs. You'll find
picnic-perfect benches, cafés, and a view you won't soon forget.
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