Travel Reference
In-Depth Information
Visiting the Château: Rooms are very well-described in English (only serious stu-
climb to the top floor. Your visit starts in the castle attic (comble), where you'll wander
under a strikingly beautiful roof support cut from 500-year-old oak trees. Then work your
way down through sumptuous Renaissance rooms loaded with elaborate tapestries, co-
lossal fireplaces, and intricately carved wood chests. Pause to admire the king's portrait
gallery in the “Apartement du XVII Siecle” (three Louis, three Henrys, Catherine de'
Medici, and François I).
romantic views from all sides, especially of the fanciful turrets, gracefully framed by the
trees reflected on the water, then have a drink or snack at the tranquil garden café (April-
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