Travel Reference
In-Depth Information
Place du Guesclin: This sprawling town square/parking lot is named after Bertrand
du Guesclin, a native 14th-century knight and hero (described as small in stature but big-
hearted) who became a great French military leader, famous for his daring victories over
England during the Hundred Years' War (like Joan of Arc, he was a key player in defeat-
ing the English). On this very square, he beat Sir Thomas of Canterbury in a nail-biter of
a joust that locals still talk about to this day. The victory freed his brother, whom Thomas
had taken prisoner in violation of a truce. For 700 years, merchants have filled this square
to sell their produce and crafts (in modern times, it's Thu 8:00-13:00).
• With the statue of Guesclin behind you, follow Rue Ste. Claire to the right, into the old
town and to the...
Théâtre des Jacobins: Fronting a pleasant little square, the theater was once one of
the many convents that dominated the town. In fact, in medieval times, a third of Dinan
consisted of convents. They're still common in Brittany, which remains the most Catholic
part of France. The theater today offers a full schedule of events.
• Turn left and walk down Rue de l'Horloge (“Clock Street”) toward the clock tower. On
the way, on your left, you'll see...
Anybody's Tombstone: Thetombstonewithoutaheadisatownmascot.It'sactually
money in France. A portrait bust would be attached to this generic body for a proper, yet
economical, burial.
• Continue to the...
Clock Tower: The old town spins around this clock tower, which has long symbol-
ized the power of the town's merchants. The tower's 160 steps (the last few on a ladder)
lead to a sweeping city view. Warning: Plug your ears at the quarter-hour, when the bells
ring (€3, daily June-Sept 10:00-18:30, May 14:00-18:00, closed Oct-April).
• Across the street from the clock tower find...
La Craquanterie: This shop specializes in Breton cookies and treats. Look for
beurresalé (saltedbutter—thinksaltedcaramel), kouignamann (arich,caramelizedcake),
gâteau breton (butter cakes), and craquantes (crisp cookies with salted butter). They offer
tastes of their goodies (daily 10:00-19:00, 12 Rue de l'Horloge, tel. 02 96 85 10 05).
• Continue along Rue de l'Horloge, taking the first left into Dinan's historic commercial
center, Place des Merciers. Stop under a porch.
Old Town Center: Thearcaded,half-timberedbuildingsaroundyouareDinan'sold-
est. They date from the time when property taxes were based on the square footage of the
ground floor. To provide shelter from both the rain and taxes, buildings started with small
ground floors, then expanded outward as they got taller. Notice the stone bases supporting
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