Travel Reference
In-Depth Information
Cost and Hours: €9,combo-ticketwithotherBayeuxmuseums€12or€15,includes
an excellent audioguide for adults and a special kids' version, daily May-Aug 9:00-18:15,
and last entry times, tel. 02 31 51 25 50, . To avoid crowds, ar-
rive by 9:00 or late in the day.
Bayeux History—The Battle of Hastings
Becauseofthispivotalbattle,themostmemorable dateoftheMiddleAgesis1066.
England's king, Edward the Confessor, was about to die without an heir. The big
question: Who would succeed him—Harold, an English nobleman and the king's
William, and sent Harold to Normandy to give William the news. On the journey,
Harold was captured. To win his release, he promised he would be loyal to Willi-
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