Travel Reference
In-Depth Information
(a French Fauvist painter) and compare his imaginative scenes of Normandy with others
you've seen. Don't miss the brilliant view of the Normandy Bridge through the windows.
Art Galleries
Eugène Boudin ignited Honfleur's artistic tradition, which still burns today. The town is
a popular haunt of artists, many of whom display their works in Honfleur's many art gal-
leries (the best ones are along the streets between Ste. Catherine Church and the port). As
you walk around the town, take the time to enjoy today's art.
Maisons Satie
birthplace, is a refreshing burst of witty charm—just like the musical genius it honors. As
you wander from room to room with your included audioguide, infrared signals transmit
bits of Satie's minimalist music, along with a first-person story (in English). As if you're
living as an artist in 1920s Paris, you'll drift past winged pears, strangers in the window,
mission is hypersensitive, and the soundtrack switches every few feet.)
The finale—performed by you—is the Laboratory of Emotions pedal-go-round, a
self-propelled carousel where your feet create the music (be sure to pedal softly). For a
relaxing break, enjoy the 12-minute movie (4/hour, French only) featuring modern dance
springingfrom Parade ,Satie'scollaborationwithPabloPicassoandJeanCocteau;theDa-
daist Relâche ; and other works. You'll even hear the boos and whistles that greeted these
ballets' debuts.
Cost and Hours: €6,includesaudioguide,coveredbymuseumpass;May-SeptWed-
Mon 10:00-19:00, closed Tue; Oct-Dec and mid-Feb-April Wed-Mon 11:00-18:00, closed
Tue;closed Jan-mid-Feb; last entryonehourbeforeclosing, 5-minute walk fromharborat
67 Boulevard Charles V, tel. 02 31 89 11 11, .
Museums of Old Honleur
Two side-by-side folk museums combine to paint a picture of daily life in Honfleur during
the time when its ships were king and the city had global significance. The curator creat-
ively supports the artifacts with paintings, making the cultural context clearer. Both mu-
seums have booklets with English explanations.
The Museum of the Navy (Musée de la Marine) faces the port and fills Honfleur's
oldest church (15th century) with a cool collection of ship models, marine paraphernalia,
and paintings. The Museum of Ethnography and Norman Popular Art (Musée
d'Ethnographie et d'Art Populaire), located in the old prison and courthouse, re-creates
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