Travel Reference
In-Depth Information
This section will help you get started planning your trip—with advice on trip costs, when
to go, and what you should know before you take off.
Travel Smart
Your trip to France is like a complex play—it's easier to follow and to really appreciate on
a second viewing. While no one does the same trip twice to gain that advantage, reading
this topic in its entirety before your trip accomplishes much the same thing.
Design an itinerary that enables you to visit sights at the best possible times. Note
festivals, holidays, street-market days, and days when sights are closed or most crowded
(all covered in this topic). To get between destinations smoothly, read the tips in this
book's appendix on taking trains and buses, or renting a car and driving. A smart trip is a
puzzle—a fun, doable, and worthwhile challenge.
When you're plotting your itinerary, strive for a mix of intense and relaxed stretches.
To maximize rootedness, minimize one-night stands. It's worth taking a long drive after
dinner (or a train ride with a dinner picnic) to get settled in a town for two nights. Hotels
are more likely to give a better price to someone staying more than one night. Every
Pace yourself. Assume you will return.
as TI in this topic). Upon arrival in a new town, lay the groundwork for a smooth depar-
ture; get the schedule for the train or bus you'll take when you depart. Drivers can study
the best route to their next destination.
Get online at Internet cafés or your hotel, though I encourage you to disconnect from
life back home and immerse yourself in the French experience. Carry a mobile phone (or
use a phone card) to make travel plans: You can find tourist information, learn the latest
on sights (special events, tour schedule, etc.), book tickets and tours, make reservations,
reconfirm hotels, research transportation connections, and keep in touch with your loved
Enjoy the friendliness of the French people. Connect with the culture. Learn a new
French expression each day and practice it. Cheer for your favorite bowler at a boules
match, leave no chair unturned in your quest for the best café, find that perfect hill-town
hosts, and be open to unexpected experiences. Ask questions—most locals are eager to
point you in their idea of the right direction. Keep a notepad in your pocket to organize
your thoughts, confirm prices, and write down directions. Wear your money belt, learn
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