Travel Reference
In-Depth Information
Louvre, but worth a look). In the next rooms you'll find scenes inspired by Normandy's
ings from Renoir, Degas, and Corot. Room 2.25 showcases a must-see scene of Rouen's
busy port in 1855.
centuries (Boucher, Fragonard, and Poussin) and Italian works, including several by Ver-
onese. A gripping Caravaggio canvas, depicting the flagellation of Christ, demands atten-
tion with its dramatic lighting and realistic faces.
Back on the ground floor, pass through the bookstore to find an intriguing collection
of backlit panels created in homage to hometown boy Marcel Duchamp. Several colorful
Modiglianis and one grand-scale Delacroix are nearby.
Museum of Ironworks (Musée le Secq des Tournelles, a.k.a. Musée de la
This deconsecrated church houses iron objects, many of them more than 1,500 years old.
Locks, chests, keys, tools, thimbles, coffee grinders, corkscrews, and flatware from cen-
turies ago—virtually anything made of iron is on display. You can duck into the entry area
for a glimpse of a medieval iron scene without passing through the turnstile.
Cost and Hours: €3, €8 combo-ticket includes fine arts and ceramics museums, no
English explanations—bring a French/English dictionary, Wed-Mon 14:00-18:00, closed
Tue, behind Museum of Fine Arts, 2 Rue Jacques Villon, tel. 02 35 88 42 92.
Museum of Ceramics (Musée de la Céramique)
fine old mansion. There's not a word of English except in the museum leaflet.
Cost and Hours: €3, €8 combo-ticket includes fine arts and ironworks museums,
Wed-Mon 14:00-18:00, closed Tue, 1 Rue Faucon, tel. 02 35 07 31 74.
Joan of Arc Tower (Le Tour Jeanne d'Arc)
This massive tower (1204), part of Rouen's brooding castle, was Joan's prison before her
ering tidbits of Rouen's and Joan's history, well-described in English. The top floor gives
a good peek at an impressive wood substructure but no views.
Cost and Hours: €1.50, Wed-Sat and Mon 10:00-12:30 & 14:00-18:00, Sun
14:00-18:30, closed Tue, one block uphill from the Museum of Fine Arts on Rue du
Bouvreuil, tel. 02 35 98 16 21.
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