Travel Reference
In-Depth Information
$$ Hôtel Beaubourg*** is a terrific three-star value on a small street in the shadow
ofthe Pompidou Center.The lounge isinviting, andthe 28plushandtraditional roomsare
well-appointed and quiet (standard Db-€145, bigger twin or king-size Db-€165 and worth
the extra cost, Db suite-€230, 11 Rue Simon Le Franc, Mo: Rambuteau, tel. 01 42 74 34
24, , ).
$ Hôtel de Nice**, on the Marais' busy main drag, features a turquoise-and-fuchsia
“Marie-Antoinette-does-tie-dye” decor. Its narrow halls are littered with paintings and
layered with carpets, and its 23 Old World rooms have thoughtful touches and tight bath-
rooms. Twin rooms, which cost the same as doubles, are larger. Rooms on the street come
with some noise (Sb-€85-150, Db-€115-200, Tb-€145-210, reception on second floor, 42
bis Rue de Rivoli, tel. 01 42 78 55 29, , ,
laissez-faire management).
$ Hôtel du Loiret* is a centrally located and rare Marais budget hotel. It's simple
with tight bathrooms, but the rooms are surprisingly sharp, considering the price and loc-
ation (Db-€105, Tb-€150, no air-con, expect some noise, 8 Rue des Mauvais Garçons, tel.
01 48 87 77 00, , ) .
Near the Marché des Enfants Rouges
(3rd arrondissement, postal code: 75003, Mo: Filles du Calvaire or Temple)
$$ Hôtel du Vieux Saule*** has 27 simple rooms with little character in a good location.
Rooms are tight and modern. Avoid the smoking rooms on the first floor (Sb-€95-140,
Db-€110-160, supérieure Db-€145-190, deluxe Db-€180-250, rates vary greatly with
season, check online for best deals, small sauna free for guests, 6 Rue de Picardie,
Mo: Filles du Calvaire or Temple, tel. 01 42 72 01 14, , re- ).
$$ Hôtel Saintonge*** is a just-renovated, comfortable place in a great location
a stone's throw from appealing Rue de Bretagne (Db-€130-170, 16 Rue Saintonge, Mo:
Filles du Calvaire, tel. 01 42 77 91 13, , info@hotel- ) .
On Ile St. Louis
(4th arrondissement, postal code: 75004, Mo: Pont Marie or Sully-Morland)
The peaceful, residential character of this river-wrapped island, with its brilliant location
and homemade ice cream, has drawn Americans for decades. There are no budget values
comfort. The island's village ambience and proximity to the Marais, Notre-Dame, and the
Latin Quarter makethisareawell worthconsidering. Allofthefollowing hotels areonthe
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