Travel Reference
In-Depth Information
Cost and Hours: €10,notcoveredbyMuseumPass,Tue-Sun10:00-18:00,Thuuntil
20:00, closed Mon, last entry 30 minutes before closing, audioguide-€3, 2 Rue Louis-
Boilly, Mo: La Muette, tel. 01 44 96 50 33, .
Left Bank
(See “Left Bank” map, here . )
Opposite Notre-Dame, on the left bank of the Seine, is the Latin Quarter. (For more in-
formation on this neighborhood, see my self-guided walk of historic Paris, earlier.)
▲▲▲ Cluny Museum (Musée National du Moyen Age)
This treasure trove of Middle Ages (Moyen Age) art fills old Roman baths, offering
close-up looks at stained glass, Notre-Dame carvings, fine goldsmithing and jewelry, and
Chapelle and the exquisite Lady and the Unicorn series of six tapestries: A delicate, as-
medieval-as-can-be noble lady introduces a delighted unicorn to the senses of taste, hear-
ing, sight, smell, and touch. This museum helps put the Middle Ages in perspective, re-
flecting a time when Europe was awakening from a thousand-year slumber and Paris was
emerging on the world stage. Trade was booming, people actually owned chairs, and the
Renaissance was moving in like a warm front from Italy.
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